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Service time: 10.30am & T@3 on third Sunday of the Month begins with afternoon tea. There will usually be a theme and something linked to that theme that can be done at the table eg write prayers, colouring etc. Table activities are usually introduced around 3.15pm.At some time around 3.30-3.40 there is a short time of reflection of no more than 15minutes based on the theme. This is very informal and ideally interactive. It would usually include a reading, reflection, prayer and couple of songs. At the end people can be invited to continue with table activities, eating up the cakes and make an offering if they would like to. 

Congregation size: Average 15 – 20, aged 20 - 90

Children & young people: One child, aged 9, stays in for whole service

Hymn Books: Worship Today, Singing the Faith

Worship Books: The Methodist Worship Book is available

Music: Clavinova, worship band at monthly Café Church

Worship Leaders: Three; will do whatever is agreed with preacher

Lectionary expected: No

Congregational involvement: Read lessons, sometimes lead Intercessions

Lord's Prayer: Traditional or Modern

Contact with preacher: By email at the beginning of the week

Orders of service: Organist + others taking part

Offering: As people come in, brought forward during the service

Communion arrangements: Standing in a semi-circle at the front

Sound system: Fixed and radio microphones

Computer: Yes. Power point used. 2-3 day’s notice if possible

WiFi and Internet: Yes

CCLI Licence: 5129, words and showing DVDs

Calamus Licence: A-730892

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