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Rev Michael Giles - Superintendent Minister

Greetings. I'm married with three children and three grandchildren. I have a non-church, Baptist, Anglican and Methodist background. I enjoy hiking, cycling, travelling, films, humour, sport and supporting Spurs. I'm passionate about Mission both global and local, and I have enjoyed four sabbaticals visiting Northumbria, Cyprus, Ghana, India/ Sri Lanka. New Zealand and Tonga.. I'm now in my fourth appointment as I respond to the call of Jesus who said 'Follow me'. As Superintendent of the Circuit I enjoy sharing ministry with the staff and churches. 

I have primary pastoral responsibility for the Methodist Churches at Kempston East, Kempston West, Wootton and Stewartby LEP. 

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Rev Silas Wood - Deputy Superintendent                            

I moved here from the Shropshire & Marches Circuit in 2018, where I had served for eight years. I’m excited by the challenges that arise as the Circuit evolves into a more team-based way of working, not just in the staff team but in the churches too. I also enjoy leading worship, and believe that social justice, equality and inclusion are at the heart of a Christian life. I live with my wife Sue and our dog Izzy. I enjoy photography, reading and cake - not necessarily in that order. 

I have primary pastoral responsibility for Greensand Community Methodist Church ( Ampthill, Clophill, Flitwick ) Haynes and Lidlington LEP. 


Rev Leslie Noon                                            

Hello! I moved to the Circuit in August 2022 after serving as a Minister in Huddersfield and Swansea. Methodist Ministry is clearly a good way of getting to live in some wonderful parts of the UK – Bedfordshire included!  I choose to read the Bible through a lens of love and believe that it’s more important to be kind than to be right.  I have a dog called Wookie who is generally in charge – and a husband called Geoff. I suspect that chocolate is the answer to many of life’s problems. 

I have primary pastoral responsibility for the Methodist Churches at Beeston, Henlow, Langford, Sandy, Shefford, Trinity (Biggleswade) and Upper Caldecote.

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Rev Chris Sandy                                             

I moved here from the Southend and Leigh Circuit in Essex in 2021. I was born in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and am presently studying for my PhD on Cross-cultural leadership in the Methodist Church in Britain. I am very excited to be a part of and to serve in this Circuit, where I expect to see God's faithfulness doing exploits in the life of the Church and the community in general. During my spare time, I like to read, listen to music, or go for a walk, in order to experience the beauty of nature. 

I have primary pastoral responsibility for Park Road, Putnoe Heights, Priory and London Road Methodist Churches in Bedford.

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Rev Paulette Tedd                                          

My husband and I moved to this circuit this summer and I am excited to explore the next part of my calling as a Probationer, after three years of study at The Queen's Foundation in Birmingham. I love to preach the Good News and know the Holy Spirit is already here and I come to join in and see what God will bring.

I have primary pastoral responsibility for Clapham, Cardington, Oakley, Sharnbrook, and Willington.

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Stephanie Field - Circuit Manager & Safeguarding Officer

I have been working for the Circuit since November 2014 in various roles. I live in Bedford with my husband Martin and our children Jake and Kady, not forgetting Naseby our dog. We attend Putnoe Heights Church in Bedford. I am the Chair of the RNLI Biggleswade and District Branch, a Parent Governor at Mark Rutherford School and spend many hours travelling round the country supporting my daughter in Cheerleading.


Damilola Obajemu- Circuit Finance Officer

I am an ACCA qualified Accountant. I have worked in the Accounting/Auditing sector for over 7 years and I am currently the Circuit Finance Officer. I am married with a lovely son. I enjoy creating faith and lifestyle contents on social media to encourage Christians to live an intentional life of faith and I also enjoy travelling.

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Jane McVay  - Co-ordinating Circuit Steward                        

Hello all. I am currently the Co-ordinating Circuit Steward. This enables me to get to know the wider Circuit and contribute to decisions about the future of Methodism in our area. I am a Worship Leader at Oakley Methodist Church and the Church Council Secretary. I also regularly attend worship at Cardington Church, so regard myself as an honorary member there. I enjoy singing (I sing with Kempston Musical Society) and have also taken up playing bridge since retiring, which I enjoy very much. 


Michael Carr - Circuit Steward

I have had the privilege of being a Circuit Steward for ten years and currently manage the manses, trying to make them fit for the future. As a Local Preacher I have been to all our Circuit churches so hopefully I do understand the issues each church faces. We worship at Oakley. 

I am a passionate gardener, Leeds United supporter (somebody has to be) and member of Ouse Valley Singers. 

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Nick Guy - Circuit Steward

I have been told I was steeped in Methodism. I trust my Christian faith extends beyond that, but I have been a regular attender of Chapel and Church since I was three, growing up in a Methodist family – my father was and my brother and sister both are Local Preachers while my uncle was and one nephew is a Minister – and I have served on the Leadership Team at Priory, where I worship, both as a Church Steward and as Church Council Secretary. Outside Methodism, I volunteer at the Bedford Foodbank warehouse, and I relax (?) with my stamp collection, editing the Bulletin of one of the societies I belong to. 

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Phil Timms - Circuit Steward                                 

I worship at Kempston East Methodist Church, where I have been a Church Steward for the last six years, and a Boys’ Brigade Officer for 24 years – for the last 15 of which I served as the Company Captain, until August 2022. I am now part of the national management committee responsible for the Boys’ Brigade in England. In my professional life I am an Employment Policy and Union Relations Manager for the supermarket chain Tesco, working at the UK headquarters in Welwyn Garden City. I am also a chartered member of the CIPD (the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development). I like all styles of worship, and although I don’t play a musical instrument, I sing very loudly and somewhat out of tune! I haven’t had a Damascus Road experience – my finding of faith was a more gradual experience, but one I am grateful for and enjoy sharing. If the Boys’ Brigade has taught me one thing, it’s the importance of helping young people explore their God-given gifts and the love of Jesus - everyone is gifted; we just need to provide the opportunities so that these are discovered. 

Christina Sawkins - Circuit Steward                            

I worship for Sandy Methodist Church. I have been a member there for nearly 30 years with my parents worshipping there also.  I’m a mum and a proud new nanny born the day before the kings coronation.  I have many different roles within many different organisations. I have been a governor and chair of governors of a lower school as it was then in Sandy, governor at a place of work in Bedford. I’ve also sat on the national board of girls Brigade. I’m currently a leader at first Wootton Girls Brigade after having to close 1st Sandy group after 20 years of running due to Covid. My work role is at Bedford Free School as a key stage 4 pastoral leader dealing with safeguarding, attendance and behaviour. This is intense challenging and consuming, but worthwhile with some of the results. I live in Bedford, I enjoy walking history, music and spending time with my family. I feel very privileged to be on the circuit board having felt that I have been called to share my skills, although I’m still learning and taking lots of the information in I am sure. I’m hopeful with the Lord’s Holy Spirit I can be guided into making the right decisions for the overall work of the circuit.

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